Customer stories, Hanken EMBA stories
7 Aug 2019

The Hanken Executive MBA was a life-changing programme

Rashmi Kasat-Majakorpi works as a Vice President and Head of Digital Business Development at Metso and took part in the Hanken Executive MBA programme. Hear Rashmi's thoughts about the programme.

When I joined the Hanken Executive MBA programme, I came with an aspiration that I'm going to become a better business manager or business leader. I never for a moment thought, that this is going to have such a powerful impact on my entire life outside of work as well.

So when you consider taking this programme and do take this programme, also consider the wider aspect and impact of this programme on your life. It has been a life-changing EMBA programme, and I fully recommend it!

Contact us for
more information

Image for Henrich Nyman
Henrich Nyman
Growth Area Director, Individual Renewal - Ph.D.
+358 40 352 1481 henrich.nyman(a)
Image for Katharina Lapuerta
Katharina Lapuerta
Account Director
+358 50 449 2104 katharina.lapuerta(a)
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