25 Apr 2023

Hanken & SSE Executive Education featured in MTV Huomenta Suomi

Hanken & SSE Executive Education featured in MTV Huomenta Suomi

On 25 April we joined MTV Huomenta Suomi together with Minna Ruusuvuori and Ivan Puopolo discussing challenges with leadership

"Good leadership involves a meaningful vision, clear communication, and defined strategic capabilities", explains Marc Hinnenberg in the morning programme Huomenta Suomi that aired on 25 April 2023. The show host Ivan Puopolo led the discussion which also featured Minna Ruusuvuori from the Lähtijät podcast, diving into the challenges of leadership. To watch the full recording click the link below. The interview with Marc and Minna starts at 1:22:00.

Watch the recording

To understand the most critical capabilities and competencies to be addressed, we recently conducted a survey with EK on what makes organisations future-prepared. If you wish to learn more about leadership and how to enable strategic renewal, download the survey insights here: Strategic Renewal survey 2023 

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