Career stories
9 helmik. 2024

Navigating organisational renewal with passion and purpose

Navigating organisational renewal with passion and purpose

Tommi works as an Account Director and he helps our clients ignite and see through the renewal of their people and organisations.

Who are you?

It's not an easy question to answer if you come to think of it... But let me give a short answer: I am the sum of all "my" experiences. A longer answer I am happy to share with anyone, for instance, over a long, nice dinner (which they are buying)!

What do you do at Hanken & SSE?

In the role of an Account Director, I help our clients in igniting and seeing through the renewal of their people and organisations. Typically, a client collaboration starts with understanding the client's people-related issue or opportunity followed by co-creating a solution with the client. In the co-creation, we collaborate with the client in the design and delivery of a solution to ensure a desired impact. My role is often more supportive in the delivery whereas in the design I can be quite hands-on.

What's your background?

Education-wise I have an EMBA degree, and I also hold a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management from Helsinki University of Technology, as it was called back in the days. In my master's studies, I majored in work psychology and leadership so one has a fair case to argue that I knew a lot about many things (engineering, management, social sciences) but nothing really that well! 🙂

My work history is quite versatile and covers many roles and various industries including, for instance, management consulting, early-stage startups, and corporate leadership positions in strategy, business management and people & culture.

How did you end up at Hanken & SSE?

My keen interest and curiosity about people and change, and how and why we change (or not), has always been a driving force for me. Another source of intrinsic motivation for me is exploring and learning new things. Thus, when the opportunity presented itself to work with interesting clients and their renewal in an organisation owned by two leading Nordic world-class academic institutions - Hanken and Stockholm School of Economics - it was an easy choice to make!

What's the best thing about your job?

People, i.e., our clients, faculty and my bubbly colleagues!

How would you describe yourself as a colleague?

Curious and 'cut to the chase'. I like to say that I aspire to be both good at what I do and also be a bit lazy. This leads me to behave in a way where I aim to understand what's at the core of any issue and then take care of it well and swiftly. I guess sometimes that can also make me a bit impatient in the eyes of my colleagues...

What does a typical workday look like for you?

My days consist of meetings, both external with clients/faculty and internal with colleagues, working on proposals and designs, and of course, attending ad hoc client requests. Currently, I am finishing my coaching certification studies too so that takes up a bit of time as well.

What do you enjoy outside work?

I like to do sports, spend time with friends and family, and do some reading as well as watch good movies/series. I also enjoy doing absolutely nothing, besides the obvious breathing and thinking, of course, which you can't turn off.

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Image for Tommi Ryyppö
Tommi Ryyppö
Account Director, Business Coach
+358 40 767 8188 tommi.ryyppo(a)
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