29 Sep 2020

What successful companies do differently

What successful companies do differently

Successful companies know how to balance strategy and purpose. They excel in defining where to invest, and when and how to maximise ROI based on analysing identified customer needs, wants, challenges and opportunities. And the marketing team is there to make it happen.


If you, as a marketing professional are not working and thinking about how to make marketing mission-critical and how to drive commercial success, you will not be perceived as adding value and as a result, you become transaction driven.

The true role of marketing

In successful companies, marketing owns the customer P&L, and is an integrated part of securing commercial success. A marketer is the integrator that builds bridges across multiple organisational silos and functions to unite them on a single path. We as marketers must act as a “translator,” making external customer insights relevant and meaningful to those inside the organisation.

In the ‘next normal’ this has become even more critical. Even the board needs insight from marketing. Accordingly, to resent research from McKinsey, 84% of board directors lack strong understanding of the dynamics of their firms’ industries.

To further increase the importance of the role of marketing and set it in context, a staggering 78% of boards miss complete awareness of how their firms create value. In turn, 76% do not fully comprehend the company strategy, so many lack an effective framework to guide them in their efforts to integrate strategy with innovation and purpose.

Changing gears

By now you might be thinking how you can make that difference. We have designed a programme called Brand X to help you master the needed abilities. In the programme, we help you and your team to be seen as a strategic function which adds real business value.

  • You will be equipped to propel your organisation become a market leader in your customers’ minds, measured by tangible results both from strategic and tactical investments
  • You and your organisation will understand what is driving price, and what is driving volume
  • And most importantly, you will be able to move marketing from being a cost to a mission-critical investment

As a starting point, and mindset, to growing as a leader, is that you need to be able to translate your company’s strategy into a marketing strategy. This means being able to add critical market and customer insights, align thinking and projects with organisational goals and vision and to deliver expected and measurable results to help your company take market share and outperform competition.

Making a difference starts with being honest with yourself, it always starts with the value you deliver. If that is not yet defined, and if you are ready for the challenge, the Brand X programme is an opportunity too good to neglect. Brand X helps you make selling more compelling, and ensures that the marketing team knows how to deliver a sizable difference. We are excited to work with more brave leaders and companies that are purposeful, that are ready to face the music and want to win and excel.

We look forward to welcome you onboard the Brand X journey.


The Brand X journey is a great opportunity to get a current state analysis of your business on your journey to create a competitive advantage and achieving commercial success. Through the Brand X programme, our team of independent experts will advise you both on quick fixes and long-term development. Then we gather together with all participating non-competing companies to get inspiration for turning strategy and purpose into action. We define a concrete marketing strategy that aligns your commercial actions towards success, and yes, in a way which helps you in practice communicate the value of your services with a heart to your customers, to support them in achieving their goals. Be mission-critical and join our purposeful Brand X journey.


About the author

Leif Fågelstedt is an independent marketing consultant and a guru in driving a commercial agenda. Leif acts as an advisor and coach to established companies and start-ups who want to achieve their targets, differentiate themselves from the competition and leverage the opportunities that a digital transformation can generate. He draws from over 25 years of experience in different global marketing and strategy roles in the IT, TeleCom, Media, Industrial and Services sectors and more than 12 years of CEO and leadership experience in the advertising industry.

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