16 Aug 2019

How to make marketing mission critical and drive commercial success

How to make marketing mission critical and drive commercial success

Far too many marketers are transaction-driven. They focus on product releases, late-planned events, customer meetings, and reactions to competitors' actions. All tasks that require a quick response. But why are so many marketing departments feeling anxious when they don’t have to?


The answer is simple. With a signed-off marketing strategy, well-defined targets and KPIs  that the top management team understand and support - marketing can instead become pleasant. This is however frankly the opposite of how many marketeers work today, and as a result, they are not included in the top management team. What they and their teams conduct on a daily, weekly and monthly basis is not fully understood, and is therefore seen as a cost, not an investment. But there is a dilemma. The tasks that a marketing department conducts are necessary to secure commercial success.

We decided to do something to change this and designed the Brand X programme to simply make marketing measurable and to understand how to make selling more compelling. Brand X ensures that you can grow as a marketer in your job and your career. To be able to better tackle the situations you face every day by adapting your behaviour to make a measurable difference. And at the same time be able to face the realities of the world we work in today.

Making a difference starts with being honest with yourself – it always starts with what is the value you deliver.

Over the years, I have worked with a lot of skilful marketing teams and leaders across the world in different industries, cultures, environments and business situations. My conclusion has been that many fall short. The reason is simply that they have not had the toolbox, skill or courage to take the leap and therefore missed opportunities for advancement. Or even worse - not helped their companies to outperform the competition, take market share, build long-lasting customer engagement and employee satisfaction.

Many marketing teams are good at making campaigns and find it easier if the task at hand is something they are familiar with. At the same time, business language is not used – internal customers review what they see. They might like it, they might not. Regardless, business savviness is missing, investments are based on how things look and are designed – not what firm value they deliver. Marketing shall not be seen as ‘fluffy’. It’s therefore essential to take steps to become ‘foxy’ - by defining what is required, how it will be done and what business results planned activities will generate. That is the way to make a difference.

Are you ready for the challenge? Acquire the capabilities to make a difference.

Leading companies know how to balance strategy and purpose. They excel in defining where to invest, and when and how to maximize ROI based on analysing identified customer needs, wants, challenges and opportunities. In those companies, Marketing owns the customer P&L and is an integrated part in securing commercial success. Brand X is designed to give leadership and marketing the insight and tools needed to make it happen.

So, what's your story? And how will you do it?

Join us on the remarkable Brand X journey and get support, validate which commercial activities give most return and get a clear, successful way forward. Learn more about Brand X and get in touch to kick-start your path to commercial success.

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