Personal development
14 Jun 2019

Can you make any sense of 34GB of data?

Can you make any sense of 34GB of data?

Our brains are constantly bombarded with data. On average we process 34 GB of data every day, and that is only counting leisure time - not work. That is an equivalent of around seven fully crammed regular DVD discs, a huge amount of data! The question is, how can you make any sense or use of it?


We are naturally born with the right capabilities. Needless to say, children are curious and constantly ask a lot of questions to make sense of the world around them. They are also good at asking the right questions, usually involving a 'why'?

Also academic excellence is usually driven by curiosity. No wonder that Nobel laureate and Honorary Doctor at Hanken Bengt Holmström, has several times stated that in most cases the right questions are more important than the answers.

With the overload of information around us, it becomes critical to understand what to take in. What is relevant to us and our business? To be successful you should ask a lot of good questions to get the right answers. What business are we in? What is our competitive edge? How can we create value? How do we differentiate ourselves in the eyes of our customers? What are my strengths? How can I become a better decision-maker and leader?

When you ask a lot of questions, you create a dialogue. This dialogue can be an inner dialogue or then you attract great minds around you, and you solve the challenge together. The most important thing is to continue asking questions. Don’t let your adult mind filter your thoughts too much. Let your curious inner child loose! Play with the questions and the possible answers. Create impact through moments of insight!

So how can you learn to ask the right questions?

If you are the kind of person who knows the value of fresh business thinking and like sharing insights and learn with and from others, then MBA Highlights, the selected parts of the Hanken Executive MBA, may well be the programme for you. It is loaded with high quality content and it will make you a better decision-maker and leader, enabling you to ask better questions and generating a rewarding dialogue and outcome.

Learn more about the MBA Highlights programme and join us.

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Image for Michael Röllich
Michael Röllich
Commercial Director
+358 40 519 7696 michael.rollich(a)
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